Plants As Your Tea

Mother nature has gifted us with so many varieties of plants possessing health benefits that we are constantly learning of new plants and benefits every day. One such medicinal plant that has surfaced as a potential super food is hoodia, which more often than not is being marketed with green tea.

Although these plants have been in use for a long time in different parts of the world, today they are being used together so as to maximize the benefits that can be extracted from this vital combination of herbs.

The world in general has become familiar with the benefits of green tea. This is because much scientific research and clinical testing has been conducted on green tea and the results have clearly indicated the extensive health benefits that green tea has to offer. But what exactly is hoodia and why is it being used with green tea?

With these two powerful herbs combined the result is a mixture that helps to fight obesity and assists in the process of weight loss. The hoodia plant actually comes under the umbrella of the cactus family.

It is a native plant of the Kalahari Desert in Africa. Just like the Chinese have been reaping the benefits of green tea for hundreds of years the natives of the Kalahari Desert have been making use of hoodia for centuries.

The use of hoodia as an appetite suppressant has been an important part of life for many Namibian tribesman since time immemorial. The reason why it was so integral was that it enabled them to go on hunts for several days without food until they caught and killed an animal.

The consuming of hoodia by these hunters very often made the difference between life and death as it enabled them to carry on hunting for days on end despite the fact that they had not had anything to eat.

Hoodia is now undergoing a series of scientific tests to determine exactly what its benefits are, how it works and if there are any side effects. Although studies are ongoing, to date all findings seem to indicate that hoodia is indeed a marvelous drink that can help with weight loss.

Although we are still far from gaining a complete picture, what we do know for sure is that hoodia can definitely help people to lose weight. It does this by suppressing the appetite which means people start to consume fewer calories.

The reason why hoodia is often hailed as being most effective with green tea is because they are seen as complimentary. while hoodia suppresses the appetite, green tea gives a boost to the metabolism burning more calories which will speed up weight loss.

The result is that you are eating less while feeling satisfied. This limits the calorie intake anyways making sure that you are not packing on any extra pounds. The addition of green tea ensures that you burn off more calories than you take in which is the way the pounds begin to shed.

The effective combination of the two plants deals with the fat deposits of the body thereby resulting in rapid weight loss. The best thing about the mixture is that it is all natural thereby eliminating the chances of developing any side effects.
