Oolong (wulong) is a very popular tea in many Asian countries like China and Japan. One of the major reasons why the people in leaving in those countries have such a tea is that they believe that by consuming that tea, they can lose weight. Like other kinds such as green tea and Chinese tea, even Oolong can effectively help in losing weight. There are many reasons as to why we can understand that Oolong tea is helpful in shedding weight.
The Oolong tea belongs to a plant called Camelia Sinesis which is the same plant from which green tea and black tea is taken. Camelia Sensis is well-known for its antioxidants. The major difference between these three kinds of tea is the time taken to process and ferment. It does not take much time to process the green tea. Hence, it retains the green color. The process period of black tea is the longest and because of this it loses its green color. On the other hand, the oolong tea falls between these two kinds of tea as far as processing are concerned.
Oolong is also known as Wu long tea. It is been observed that regular drinking of oolong tea helps in enhancing the metabolism system of your body. When the metabolic activity increases, your body can burn calories and fats faster. Asian people love to drink this tea while they have oily food because it helps in neutralizing the effect of oil present in the food.
A research was conducted by the University of Tokushima on wulong tea. Over a period of seventeen days, twelve adults were asked to drink the oolong tea. It was noticed that people who were administered placebo in the excretion of fat was considerably less than people who were asked to drink oolong. It was also observed by other researchers that it can effectively help in lowering the level of cholesterol.
As compared to green, wulong tea is not very popular. However, recently scientists have claimed that the nutrition value of oolong is much more than the regular green tea. It has the power to burn near three times more calories. From thousands of years, the Asians have realized the health benefits of wulong teas.
Oolong tea and weight lose go hand in hand.
The taste of the oolong tea may not suit you at first. However, when you realize its health benefits other than weight loss, you will keep on drinking it. Apart from helping to shed weight, oolong tea also promotes health and supple skin. If you are suffering from atopic dermatitis or other skin condition such as eczema, by drinking wulong teas, you will see a gradual change in your skin. A research was conducted to see the effects of oolong teas on skin. It was observed that nearly 50 percent people on whom the test was conducted showed visible signs of better skin. If you feel that your skin is ageing at a faster rate, then you should drink oolong tea as to slow down the speed of ageing of skin.
Since wulong undergoes less processing as compared to any other tea, it retains higher amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants are very important for strengthening our immune system. It improves the circulation of blood throughout the body. Since oolong is a rich source of antioxidants, it will keep you healthy and strong.
One of the reasons why people gain weight is because of sedentary lifestyle. If you lead such a lifestyle, you may gain weight and you will not know how to control your weight. Regular drinking of oolong tea will make you active and fresh.
Buy the best oolong tea at Tealux store
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